

Switching all heat supply facilities to solid fuel boilers in Kamianets-Podilsk will help save at least USD 20 million per year

Created date

12 02 2015

The pilot investment program of gas replacement with biological fuels for heat production in Kamianets-Podilsk will be implemented on the basis of the signed Memorandum of Cooperation between the Agency, the executive committee of Kamianets-Podilsk City Council, the utility company "Miskteplovodoenerhiya" and the Universal Development Group company.

The program will be realized by establishing solid fuel boilers that use pellets from biomass and converting existing gas boilers to solid fuel usage. It will result in commissioning of facilities with capacity of up to 200 000 Gcal of heat energy per year. According to the results of the program the total annual amount of replaced gas by city's utilities will make up 30.3 million cubic meters (financial equivalent - more than UAH 230 million).

Implementation of the program can lower city heat tariffs for public and residential customers by 10 % in relation to the current weighted tariff. This is the difference that will save about USD 20 million per year in the city budget. Savings are planned to be used for the further implementation of energy efficiency measures.

Promotion and PR Department